Candra Agustinus


  • Berpengalaman bekerja di berbagai proyek jasa konsultasi manajemen dan teknologi informasi baik di lingkungan propinsi Jawa Timur maupun di level Nasional. Pernah berkontribusi secara aktif dalam perencanaan Sistem Terintegrasi Nasional seperti Suplay Chain dan Asset Manajemen Perum BULOG, Design dan Perencanaan Sistem Pelaporan Terintegrasi Djakarta Lyoid, Review dan Implementasi Aplikasi Pelaporan antar cabang Bahana PUI, Perencanaan Pengembangan Usaha PT. Graha Sarana Gresik.
  • Impelementor sistem Human Resource Information System. Konsultan Pengembangan ERP di salah satu BUMN perkebunan. Di level propinsi Jawa Timur merupakan salah satu konsultan yang berkontribusi aktif dalam penyusunan cetak biru sistem IT di era reformasi birokrasi dan tergabung dalam team implementasi dalam mengimplementasikan Aplikasi Terintegrasi Sistem Perencanaan Daerah Propinsi Jawa Timur, Menjadi developer dan implementor e-procurement System di beberapa kota di indonesia, Menjadi developer & implementor Integrated Egovernment System (ERP for Government include Project monitoring system).
  • Memiliki kompetensi Sistem Analis, Business Process Management, IT Audit dan ISO management System.
  • Pendidikan: Teknik Industri ITS (S1), ISO Management System 9001 : 2000.
how can we help you?

Contact us or submit a business inquiry online.

“The training was effective and beneficial to our daily working activity in Evergreen Line, Surabaya. We could develop our leadership skills and implement them more effectively to all sub ordinates. Presented by a well-experienced facilitator made the training more enjoyable, fun, but effective. “Great Job.”

Yulius Sutejo – Evergreen Surabaya
Director, Evergreen Surabaya

RachPro Consulting really helped us achieve our service objectives. The methodolgy and approach was very applicable for Succesfull implementation. Yes, RachPro is “Reliable Partner”.

Simon J. Wirawan (Former GM of Golf Graha Family, Now as Director of Intiland Subsidiary)
Director, Intiland Subsidiary