Rachmad HidayatThe Trainer/Facilitator
- Founder & CEO RachPro Consulting
- Dosen, Konsultan, dan Trainer/Speaker
- Komisaris – PT Cakra Sedaya Investama
- Teknik Industri – ITS Surabaya
- Manajemen Keuangan – MM Ubhara Jaya
- Rotary Club Surabaya Timur
- Ikatan Alumni ITS – Pusat
- Takmir Masjid Baitussalam
Rachmad has had around 20 years of real life working & entrepreneurial experiences with more than 20 years in Managerial position at National & Multinational Companies in various industry (Mining, Chemical Manufacturing, Hotels & Services, IT, and Education institution. He is an Engineer from ITS Surabaya and a degree on Magister Management majoring in Finance Management
Rachmad has extensive experiences as professional in area of Strategic Management/business, Human Resources & Legal. Delivering various projects successfully and as Speaker/Trainer in Asia is his valuable experiences. He also has involved as member of National Competency Team for Mining Industry that performed by government & major mining companies.
Experiences as Speaker/Trainer/Facilitator and as Employee
- Pengajar (Dosen Luar Biasa) di Univ. Ciputra – Surabaya (Mata Kuliah: Entrepreneurship)
- Beberapa Public Course yang diselenggarakan oleh RachPro dan berbagai Institusi lainnya
- Seminar-seminar yang diselenggarakan di Indonesia & Malaysia (KL)
- Training-training yang diselenggarakan oleh Internal perusahaan tempat kerja sebelumnya, yaitu:
- General Manager, HR & Business Legal – PT Berlian Sistem (Mitsubishi Corp.) – Jakarta
- Senior Manager, Organization Development – PT ICI Paints Indonesia (Dulux) – Jakarta
- Manager, HR Department – Metrodata Group – Jakarta
- Manager, Training Center – PT International Nickel Indonesia (Inco – Soroako/Sulawesi)
- Manager, HR Department – PT Grand Interwisata (Dharmala/Intiland) – Surabaya
- Section Head, HR Site Adaro – PT Pamapersada (ASTRA Group) – Jakarta,Sumatra,Kalimantan